Urgent GP care

St Leonard's Practice has a number of urgent, same day GP appointments available each working day. These can be booked by phoning the Practice on 01392 201 791 when the line opens at 8.30am. They can also be booked out-of-hours using the automated appointments system available on the same number.

If you cannot come into the Practice or if no appointments are available, our doctors can contact you to offer advice over the telephone. To arrange a telephone consultation, please dial the appointment line on 01392 201 791.

You can also call this number to request a home visit. It is usual for patients to visit a doctor at the Practice where all the necessary equipment and expertise is available to hand. However, if you are too ill or frail to come in to the Practice, it may be possible for a doctor to visit you at home. When you request a home visit a doctor will call you back to assess if this is the best course of action for you.

Urgent out-of hours GP care - NHS111

The St Leonard's Practice phone line is open from 8.30am to 1.00pm, and from 2.00pm to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

If you have an urgent medical need that cannot wait until your GP surgery reopens please telephone 111 at which point your call will be actioned appropriately.

Urgent GP care is provided by Devon Doctors On Call. Please remember, Devon Doctors is an urgent service for matters that you feel cannot wait until your GP practice is next open. It is not for routine services such as repeat prescriptions, test results, or booking appointments.

More information, including a patient leaflet, can be found on the Devon Doctors website www.devondoctors.co.uk

For urgent, out-of-hours dental care, please dial 01392 823 682

When to call 999

If someone is seriously ill or injured, and their life is at risk, dial 999 promptly.

The ambulance control room will ask you questions. Do not hang up until they let you know that they have all the information they need.

For example, you may consider calling 999 for severe chest pain or breathing difficulties.

Online Help

Visit the NHS Choices website for online help and advice with all kinds of medical conditions.

You can get medical help or advice from 111 online using your smartphone, laptop or other digital device at www.111.nhs.uk

Walk in Centres

Walk in Centres compliment GP and hospital services. They offer flexible and accessible healthcare advice and treatment for minor injuries and illnesses including sprains and strains; broken bones; minor infections; emergency contraception; unexplained rashes and some eye problems.

They are often open at times convenient to you, including evenings and weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital
Barrack Road, EX2 5DW
01392 406 300
Open every day: 08.00 - 22.00

St Leonard's Practice

The Surgery
Athelstan Road
Exeter EX1 1SB

Surgery opening hours
Monday to Friday 08:15 - 18:00
Closed Wed 13:00 - 14:00

Appointment Line: 01392 201 791
General Enquiries: 01392 201 790

Surgery telephone hours
Monday to Friday 08:30 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 18:00

The St Leonard's Practice provides GP and family doctor services to patients in Exeter, Wonford, Heavitree, St Leonard's, Whipton, Stoke Hill and Pennsylvania.